Can I Foster?

Are You Suitable to Foster a Child?

At Three Circles Fostering, we welcome individuals from diverse backgrounds who are eager to make a difference in a child's life. There are often misconceptions about who can foster and who cannot, but we believe in assessing each potential carer based on their ability to provide loving and supportive care to vulnerable children and young people.

Your Suitability Assessment

We assess your suitability through several criteria:

  • Legal and personal references: Ensuring a safe environment for children.

  • Team collaboration: Your ability to work with us as part of a professional team.

  • Health, background, and lifestyle: Factors that contribute to your ability to provide care.

  • Skills and experience: Your parenting or caregiving experience and nurturing qualities.

  • Home environment: Each foster child must have their own bedroom.

  • Age requirement: You must be at least 25 years old to foster for Three Circles.

  • Residency: Full-time UK residency or permission to remain.

  • Availability: Ensuring availability to the foster child, whether single or part of a couple.

What Can You Offer a Foster Child?

You may already possess valuable skills and life experiences that can positively impact a child's life. Whether you've raised children of your own or are new to caregiving, your understanding of a supportive household is invaluable. Many children in our care seek a nurturing environment that promotes family unity and encourages personal growth. Take our quiz to see if fostering is for you!

Hear from our carers

Whether you have prior experience in childcare or bring unique talents and life experiences, fostering can be a rewarding journey. If you believe you have the patience, compassion, and dedication to support a child in care, you're already on the path to becoming a remarkable foster carer. At Three Circles Fostering, we provide comprehensive support and training to empower you every step of the way. Did I also mention that you would be joining an outstanding agency!

Ready to make a difference? Contact us today to learn more about fostering with Three Circles Fostering. Together, we can create brighter futures for children in need of loving homes.


Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month 2024