Foster Care Fortnight

Embracing #FosteringMoments: A Celebration of Three Circles and Foster Care Fortnight 2024

In 2012, Three Circles was born—a family-owned and family-run organisation dedicated to providing love, support, and care to children across the North West and Yorkshire regions. Over the years, we've grown into a tight-knit community, comprised of dedicated carers and staff, all united by a common purpose: to make a positive difference in the lives of children in foster care.

As we embark on Foster Care Fortnight 2024, we find ourselves reflecting on the journey we've traveled together. With a wonderful team of carers and staff, Three Circles has been able to support over 150 children, providing them with stability, love, and a sense of belonging. Our community thrives on coming together for regular events, from fun days to support groups, where bonds are forged and memories are made.

But amidst the celebrations, we cannot ignore the stark reality that there are still countless children awaiting loving homes. The need for foster carers has never been greater, and Foster Care Fortnight serves as a crucial opportunity to shed light on this pressing issue and inspire more people to join us at Three Circles.

Nearly 70,000 children in the UK live with almost 55,000 foster families each day—a testament to the vital role that foster care plays in providing stability and security to vulnerable children. However, the demand for foster families continues to outstrip supply, with thousands of new families needed each year.

Every year thousands of new foster families are needed. For more details, see statistics from the Department for Education and Ofsted.

As we delve into the statistics, we are reminded of the urgency of our mission. Every child deserves a loving and supportive home, and it's up to us to ensure that no child is left behind.

So, as we come together to celebrate #FosteringMoments, let us also recommit ourselves to the cause. Let us amplify our efforts to recruit more foster carers, to raise awareness about the importance of foster care, and to advocate for the needs of children in care.

At Three Circles, we are immensely proud of the community we've built and the impact we've made. (insert catalyst youth group blog) support work blog. But our work is far from over. Together, let us continue to build a brighter future for children in foster care, one moment at a time.

Join us this Foster Care Fortnight as we celebrate #FosteringMoments and embark on a journey of hope, compassion, and resilience. Together, we can make a difference. Together, we can change lives. Together, we are Three Circles.

To foster a sense of togetherness and connection across our regions, we've sent a letter home to all our families, along with a seed packet to grow a wildflower garden. This simple act will create a moment of unity as each family nurtures their garden, fostering a sense of belonging within the larger Three Circles community. (insert picture of seed packet and letter)

Additionally, we've included a small piece of fabric and some pens for families to create a "fostering moment" piece of artwork. Once completed, families are encouraged to send back their artwork to us, where we will compile them into a huge piece of collaborative art—a tangible representation of the bonds that tie us together.

Finally, we've introduced 'Care Chronicles,' a platform for carers to anonymously share positive stories of fostering. These stories will be shared through our channels, spreading joy and inspiration while highlighting the transformative power of foster care. Through these initiatives, we aim to not only celebrate #FosteringMoments but also inspire others to join us in creating a brighter future for children in need.

If you are considering becoming a foster carer and are looking for a supportive agency to guide you through the process, Three Circles Fostering is here to help. Our agency is committed to providing quality care for children in need and offering extensive support to our foster families every step of the way. From training to ongoing support and resources, we strive to create a positive and enriching experience for both our carers and the children in our care. If you are interested in joining our agency or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us via the contact information on our website.


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