International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia (May 17th)

Three Circles Commitment to Supporting LGBT+ Foster Carers: A Call to Action on International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia (May 17th)

As we recognise International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia, we are reminded of the ongoing struggle for equality and acceptance faced by the LGBTQ+ community worldwide. At Three Circles, we stand in solidarity with our LGBTQ+ foster carers, staff and children and reaffirm our commitment to creating a supportive and inclusive environment for all.

We really need to focus on the specific needs and hurdles that LGBTQ+ individuals experience in foster care. So, we're excited to share some principles from our agency that capture what we're all about:

  1. LGBTQ+ Training for Staff: We recognise the importance of education and understanding in creating a supportive environment for LGBTQ+ foster carers. All Three Circles staff undergo training specifically addressing the needs and challenges faced by LGBTQ+ foster carers and children and young people. 

  2. Inclusive Supervision: LGBTQ+ foster carers will be supervised by social workers who have taken part in the inclusion of LGBTQ+ foster carers training. This supervision will be tailored to support them effectively within their role as foster carers.

  3. Respect: LGBTQ+ foster carers will be respected by their peers and Three Circles staff, free from microaggressions or discrimination based on their gender or sexual orientation. We are committed to providing an inclusive and supportive environment where all carers feel valued and respected to be their true selves.

  4. Support for Addressing Discrimination: LGBTQ+ foster carers will have the full support of Three Circles if they encounter discriminatory behaviours from others within the system. We will actively work to address and rectify such discrimination, ensuring that foster carers feel supported and empowered.

  5. Resource Support: Three Circles provide LGBTQ+ specific resources. These resources will aim to foster an environment where diversity is celebrated and differences are embraced positively. Resources are readily available within our LGBTQ+ inclusion policy. 

  6. Advocacy and Allyship: We run a monthly LGBTQ+ support group where we co-produce materials and resources that are shared within the agency. The aim of the group is to not just impact practice within Three Circles, but to be a catalyst for change across the social care sector. 

  7. Collaboration: We work and campaign with other organisations to share best practice. This includes our sponsorship to Proud 2 b Parents: an inclusive organisation for all routes to parenthood which is run by and delivers services to  LGBT+ parents / carers to be, LGBT+ parents / carers and their children living in Greater Manchester (and the North West).

  8. Pioneer: We will continue to pioneer the field of inclusion of LGBTQ+ youth in care, as evidenced by a resource website run and delivered by one of the members of our Engagement Team

Together, let us continue to work towards a future where all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression, are treated with dignity, respect, and equality. By standing together as allies and advocates, we can create a more inclusive and accepting world for all.

Are you LGBTQ+ and looking for a truly inclusive organisation that is actively working towards a more inclusive care sector for LGBTQ+ people? Then look no further and get in touch with us today for an informal chat on 01625 533 531

Thank you,

Charlotte Andrew (Engagement Manager) and The LGBTQ+ Support Group Members


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